Team Coaching

Much of what applies to individuals also applies to teams.

They get stuck.

They can’t figure out what the best way forward might be.

But it’s more complicated with teams. Instead of only one person, with their skills, experience and personality trying to work out what to do, you’ve now got a whole bunch of them!

Throw into that different agendas, roles and the whole issue of authority, and you’ve got the makings of either getting stuck, or just possibly moving forwards, but without the structure, processes and buy-in needed to actually make something happen.

We help in these situations. A lot!.

It’s the same definition as for one-to-one coaching really. So:

“Team-coaching is a process of challenge designed to help the team develop the clarity and the courage to do whatever they need to do next”.

Our focus is on running a great process for you. And with that security, you can focus on what the answers and way forward might be, without having to worry about process.


We think of facilitation slightly differently. So in the recent past we have facilitated groups to think through:

  • How to communicate more effectively with each other

  • How to actually become a team

  • How to work together as a team when operating remotely

  • How to thrive personally and professionally

  • How to deal with unconscious biases in the group

  • How to fulfil their leadership roles

  • How to think of themselves as a system, and what that means for their effectiveness

In all of this, we offer half-day, full-day and extended programmes of sessions.

And we can do all of this either face-to-face, or remotely. Geography is not a barrier to delivering this sort of programme.

Further, none of this is “off the shelf”. It’s all designed after conversations with you about what you and your group or team actually need.

So once again, if this even feels like it might be helpful