"Coaching with an edge"


Since 2004, Martin has walked alongside individuals, teams and organisations looking to make a difference in the world.

Helping them to flourish where they are. But also to work out where they are going next.

“Walked alongside” very often in a literal sense. Martin does much of his coaching outside, walking in Cheshire countryside, in London Parks, and by Warwickshire canals.

There is something about being outdoors which creates greater opportunities for new perspectives to emerge. For those “Aha!” moments when, often simultaneously, we suddenly see a truth for the first time and identify a new way ahead.

Underpinned by more than 20 years coaching experience, 26 years in business leadership, and training in cognitive behavioural therapy, any one coaching session with Martin can move between business coaching, leadership coaching, life/career coaching and therapy.

His coaching mix includes Leaders in International NGOs, UK charities, Global Health institutions, Schools, Healthcare, SMEs and Multinationals. There’s a bunch of freelance consultants and coaches in there as well. All connected by their desire to make the world a better place.

Prior to 2004 Martin worked in the commercial sector for 26 years in the UK, Netherlands and US, always in management roles, and latterly managing a range of global businesses. He has a Doctorate in Chemistry and a Masters in Counselling Psychology.

As well as a regular blog, Martin is the author of three books. “This Stuff Really Works” and “Courage to Change” are short introductions to the field of organisational behaviour for those who find it difficult getting things done in their workplaces (who doesn’t?).

“Don’t Look Back” is a different sort of book, in that it explores the journeys of nine men and women who have chosen to become Executive Coaches. It not only shares their learning for the benefit of others who might be considering a similar path, but draws out wider themes applicable to many who are thinking through how to maximise their contribution to making the world a better place..


Martin works with a team of experienced associates, all of whom have vibrant coaching businesses of their own. Do view their profiles from the main menu above. They speak for themselves.

Martin Howden is one of the most innately talented individuals in the field of organisational and human development that I know
— Dr. Richard Maybury, Founder and President, Knowles Johnson Institute, Boston USA
What you get from Martin is coaching with an edge. He wants you to succeed and puts his finger on the very thing that’s holding you back
— Ian Causebrook - Former Head of Corporate Strategy, Tearfund
Working with Martin for the past eight years has transformed every aspect of my life. His coaching has been crucial during key personal and professional transitions, such as becoming a mother, changing jobs, and receiving a promotion. He helped me improve my work-life balance and sharpen essential skills, allowing me to navigate workplace challenges and continue moving forward. Martin is truly talented and his work is invaluable!
— Daniela Ferreira, Professor of Vaccinology at the University of Oxford and Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
When I first stepped up into the role of CEO, I was genuinely surprised to find that it really could be a lonely place at times. Through Martin’s coaching, I have not only benefited hugely from his wisdom and experience, but also been supported to grow in my own confidence and ability to handle the vast array of situations I find myself in, as I lead a small charity. Martin has a real knack of seeing through all my words and worries, helping me get to the heart of the issue, and then supporting me to figure out how I can best move forwards. I always go away with a clearer sense of my purpose and my ‘next steps’, and this input has been absolutely invaluable not only to me, but I believe to the rest of the organisation too.
— Ros Holland, CEO, The Boaz Trust
I got more insights out of 3 hours with Martin Howden than from copious amounts of management training and leadership programmes over the last 10 years
— Rosemarie McIlwhan - Equality and Human Rights Consultant
I always leave meetings with Martin feeling excited. I normally arrive feeling confused about my options, what I want and what’s best for those around me. But by the time we’re done I always have a new sense of purpose, clarity and a plan of action. Priceless.
— Jess Glover - Director of Marketing and Propositions, ASK4 Ltd